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Passed Senate amended (07/26/2000)

Fugitive Apprehension Act of 2000 - Requires the Attorney General to establish permanent Fugitive Apprehension Task Forces consisting of Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities in designated regions of the United States, to be directed and coordinated by the United States Marshals Service, to locate and apprehend fugitives. Authorizes appropriations.

(Sec. 3) Authorizes the Attorney General, in any investigation with respect to the apprehension of a fugitive, to subpoena witnesses for the production of relevant records from any place subject to U.S. jurisdiction, except that a witness shall not be required to appear more than 500 miles distant from the place where the witness was served. Allows a person to file a petition to modify or quash such subpoena on specified grounds. Directs the Attorney General to: (1) report each January to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees on the number of administrative subpoenas issued under this section, on whether each matter involved a fugitive from Federal or State charges, and on the agency or component of DOJ issuing the subpoena and imposing the charges (terminates this requirement in three years); and (2) issue guidelines governing the issuance of such subpoenas.

Authorizes the Attorney General: (1), where such a subpoena is issued to a provider of electronic communication service (ECS), to delay notification to the subscriber or customer to whom the record pertains and to apply to a court for an order commanding the provider of ECS or remote computing service not to notify any other person of the existence of the subpoena or court order; (2) if such a subpoena is issued to a financial institution for a customer's financial records, to apply to a court for an order to delay customer notice; and (3) to require the party to whom an administrative subpoena is directed to refrain from notifying any other party of the existence of the subpoena or court order for such period as the court deems appropriate. (Directs the court to enter such an order if it determines that notification of the existence of the subpoena will result in endangering the life or physical safety of an individual, flight from prosecution, destruction of or tampering with evidence, intimidation of potential witnesses, or otherwise seriously jeopardizing an investigation or undue delay of a trial.

Provides that any person who, in good faith, produces the records or items requested in a subpoena shall not be liable in any Federal or State court to any other person for such production or for compliance with the terms of a court order for non-disclosure.

(Sec. 4) Directs the Attorney General to complete a study on the use of administrative subpoena power by executive branch entities and to report the findings to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees.