There is one summary for S.2901. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in Senate (07/20/2000)

Security Assistance Act of 2000 - Title I: Military and Related Assistance - Subtitle A: Foreign Military Financing Program - Authorizes appropriations for FY 2001 for foreign military financing grants and direct loans.

Subtitle B: Other Assistance - Amends the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to increase the aggregate value of the emergency drawdown of defense articles from the stocks of the Department of Defense (DOD), defense services of DOD, and international military education and training (IMET) to foreign countries in any fiscal year. Authorizes the drawdown of such articles, services, and training for counterterrorism and nonproliferation purposes.

(Sec. 112) Authorizes the President to provide for the transportation of excess defense articles without charge to a country for the costs of such transportation if, among other things, the total weight of such transfer does not exceed 50,000 pounds (currently, 25,000 pounds).

Title II: International Military Education and Training - Authorizes appropriations for FY 2001 for IMET assistance to foreign countries. Sets forth certain additional requirements with respect to the provision of such assistance.

Title III: Nonproliferation and Export Control Assistance - Authorizes the President to furnish assistance to foreign countries in order to enhance their ability to halt the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and advanced conventional weaponry.

(Sec. 301) Authorizes appropriations for FY 2001 (earmarking amounts for training and education of personnel from friendly countries in the United States, science and technology centers in the independent states of the former Soviet Union, and a static cargo x-ray facility in Malta).

(Sec. 305) Amends the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 to exempt U.S. chemical weapons destruction facilities from the requirement that a special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation accompany each inspection team of the Technical Secretariat when inspecting such facilities pursuant to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, opened for signature on January 13, 1993.

Title IV: Antiterrorism Assistance - Authorizes appropriations for FY 2001 for antiterrorism assistance to foreign countries.

Title V: Integrated Security Assistance Planning - Subtitle A: Establishment of a National Security Assistance Strategy - Requires the Secretary of State to report annually to the appropriate congressional committees on a National Security Assistance Strategy for the United States.

(Sec. 502) Authorizes appropriations for FY 2001 for security assistance surveys used in preparing the Strategy.

Subtitle B: Allocations for Certain Countries - Authorizes appropriations for FY 2001 for foreign military financing grants for the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Earmarks specified amounts of IMET assistance funds for such countries, including Greece and Turkey.

(Sec. 513) Earmarks specified amounts for FY 2001 for foreign military financing grants for Israel and Egypt. Earmarks specified amounts for such grants (including IMET assistance) for: (1) Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania; (2) the Philippines; (3) Georgia; (4) Malta; (5) Slovenia; (6) Slovakia; (7) Romania; and (8) Bulgaria.

(Sec. 515) Earmarks certain funds for FY 2001 to assist GUUAM countries (group of countries that signed a protocol on quadrilateral cooperation on November 25, 1997, together with Uzbekistan) and Armenia to: (1) strengthen national control of their borders (including to prevent the trafficking of illegal narcotics and the proliferation of technology and materials related to weapons of mass destruction, and to contain and inhibit transnational organized criminal activities); and (2) promote the independence and territorial sovereignty of such countries.

Title VI: Other Provisions - Amends the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to authorize the use of defense articles and defense services made available through the provision of U.S. military assistance to foreign countries for antiterrorism and nonproliferation purposes.

(Sec. 604) Sets forth the maximum value of additions to stockpiles in foreign countries for FY 2001. Makes amounts available for such stockpiles in the Republic of Korea.

(Sec. 605) Authorizes the President to transfer to Israel certain obsolete or surplus defense articles in return for concessions to be negotiated by the Secretary of Defense.

(Sec. 606) Prohibits US sale of Stinger missiles in the Persian Gulf, with certain exceptions.

(Sec. 607) Authorizes for FY 2001 the use of DOD funds for crating, packing, handling, and transporting excess defense articles to Mongolia.

(Sec. 608) Directs the President to certify annually to the appropriate congressional committees that any Russian person engaged in a commercial operation involving Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) equipment or technology with a U.S. person pursuant to an arms export license issued within the 36 months preceding the certification is not suspected of contributing to the acquisition, design, development, or production of MTCR-class ballistic missiles in Iran at any time since January 1, 2000. Authorizes the President to terminate such license if it is determined that the foreign person has engaged in the transfer of any MTCR equipment or technology.

(Sec. 609) Makes specified amounts of economic support fund (ESF) and foreign military financing funds available only to Israel for FY 2001 through 2008.

Title VII: Transfers of Naval Vessels - Authorizes the President to transfer certain naval vessels to: (1) Brazil; (2) Chile; (3) Greece; and (4) Turkey.

(Sec. 702) Sets forth requirements with respect to: (1) the inapplicability of aggregate annual limitation on the value of transferred excess defense articles; (2) who should be charged the costs related to such transfers; (3) conditions related to the transfer of naval vessels on a combined lease-sale basis; and (4) the funding of costs related to such transfers.

Title VIII: Definition - Defines "appropriate committees of Congress".