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106th Congress                                                   Report
 2d Session                                                     106-350


                               YEAR 2001


                 July 20, 2000.--Ordered to be printed


   Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the 

                              R E P O R T

    The Committee on Appropriations submits the following 
report revising the 302(b) allocations to subcommittees set 
forth in Senate Report 106-296 (May 17, 2000), Senate Report 
106-303 (May 23, 2000), Senate Report 106-308 (June 14, 2000), 
Senate Report 106-311 (June 22, 2000), and Senate Report 106-
346 (July 18, 2000).
    Section 302(e) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as 
amended, provides that at any time after a committee reports 
its allocations such committee may report to its House an 
alteration of such allocations. This report is submitted 
pursuant to this section.
    On June 20, 2000, the Committee on the Budget filed a 
revised 302(a) allocation for the Committee reflecting an 
increase of $470,000,000 in budget authority and $408,000,000 
in outlays (Congressional Record page S5451). These amounts 
were provided under the provisions of section 314(b) of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended, which mandate an 
increase to the Committee's 302(a) allocation when certain 
conditions relating to funding of continuing disability reviews 
and adoption incentive activities are met.
    On July 18, 2000, the Committee on the Budget filed a 
revised 302(a) allocation for the Committee reflecting an 
increase of $28,000,000 in budget authority and $6,527,000,000 
in outlays (Congressional Record page S7149). These amounts 
were provided under the provisions of section 314(b) of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended, which mandate an 
increase to the Committee's 302(a) allocation when certain 
conditions relating to emergency appropriations are met.

                                              FURTHER REVISED SUBCOMMITTEE ALLOCATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001
                                                                [In millions of dollars]
                                                                General purpose                                     Mandatory               Total
                                                 --------------------------------------------                -------------------------------------------
                                                         Defense             Non-defense      Transportation
                  Subcommittee                   --------------------------------------------   categories      Budget                Budget
                                                    Budget                Budget                  outlays     authority   Outlays   authority   Outlays
                                                  authority   Outlays   authority   Outlays
Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related       .........          6     14,854     14,961  ..............     49,616     31,775     64,470     46,742
Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary.............        520        499     33,450     23,987  ..............        548        558     34,518     25,044
Defense.........................................    287,205    280,757         10          6  ..............        216        216    287,431    280,979
District of Columbia............................  .........  .........        441        442  ..............  .........  .........        441        442
Energy and Water Development....................     13,484     13,184      8,986      9,115  ..............  .........  .........     22,470     22,299
Foreign Operations..............................  .........  .........     13,385     14,274  ..............         44         44     13,429     14,318
Interior and Related Agencies...................  .........  .........     15,474     15,511  ..............         59         70     15,533     15,581
Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education.  .........  .........     97,820     93,074  ..............    237,142    237,578    334,962    330,652
Legislative Branch..............................  .........  .........      2,500      2,502  ..............         97         97      2,597      2,599
Military Construction...........................      8,834      7,727     -3,902     -5,608  ..............  .........  .........      4,932      2,119
Transportation and Related Agencies.............        641        573     12,640     15,100  ..............        739        737     14,020     16,410
    Highway category............................  .........  .........  .........  .........        26,920    .........  .........  .........     26,920
    Mass transit category.......................  .........  .........  .........  .........         4,639    .........  .........  .........      4,639
Treasury and General Government.................  .........  .........     14,300     14,576  ..............     14,708     14,713     29,008     29,289
VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies...............        135        132     16,890     47,813  ..............     24,710     24,438     41,735     72,383
Deficiencies....................................  .........  .........      3,926      5,583  ..............  .........  .........      3,926      5,583
      Total.....................................    310,819    302,878    230,774    251,336        31,559      327,879    310,226    869,472    895,999