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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri

Weekly Capitol Report

Aug 20, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report
A secret mission carried out using an unmarked cargo plane carrying piles of currency acquired from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland. This sounds like a scene from a James Bond movie, but in fact this is an actual scene of a secret mission carried out under the Obama Administration.
Aug 12, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

This August much of the country is experiencing an uncomfortable heat wave, but in southeast and south central Missouri it is just something we expect every year. And, while the temperature and humidity make it uncomfortable to be outside it is also an important time of our growing season. However, one thing most everyone wishes we could do without is the mosquitos.

Aug 5, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Over the past 11 days, I have travelled nearly 3,000 miles, visited all 30 counties of Missouri’s 8th Congressional District and have visited almost 50 different farms and agricultural businesses. There were early mornings and long days in the scorching Missouri heat over the past two weeks, but that is nothing new to many of the incredible folks I had the opportunity to visit with.

Jul 29, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Millions of American’s are concerned our country is on the wrong track, they fear the best days are behind, not in front of us, and that the legacy which will be left for their children is one of debt, high taxes and government control of everything from healthcare to their education. However, this week I also had the opportunity to meet with an amazing group of optimists.

Jul 22, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Next week marks the start of one of my favorite annual traditions, the 8th Congressional District Farm Tour. In southeast and south central Missouri we know agriculture is at the heart of not only our economy, but our communities, and our families. The early mornings, late days, and stress associated with mother nature and volatile markets are something everyone is familiar with.

Jul 15, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report
Here we are again. News of another terrorist attack abroad is rocking us here at home. 1 month after Orlando, 4 months after Brussels, 7 months after San Bernardino, 8 months after the last Paris attacks – the list sadly goes on. Something has to change.
Jul 8, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

Congressman Jason Smith Capitol Report

Facts Matter

July 8, 2016

Jul 1, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report
We celebrate our nation's Independence Day with fireworks, parades, picnics and performances of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Americans across our great nation use this day to celebrate how fortunate we all are to live in a free country and they do so in a way which brings together family, friends and communities.
Jun 24, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report

‘Words have meaning’ and ‘actions have consequences,’ those are two sayings or quips that many of us have heard before. However, I can tell you when it comes to the U.S. Constitution and the expected conduct of elected Representatives. I believe these two phrases are absolutely essential to characterizing our form of democracy.

Jun 17, 2016 Weekly Capitol Report
Disbelief, horror, devastation, sorrow. As we saw the images and news unfold from Orlando, Florida this week it was hard not to feel some of these emotions.
