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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri

Enhancing America's Response to Ebola 10.24.14

As we work to stop the spread of Ebola, I have urged the Obama administration to do everything in its power to help protect the American people from this deadly virus. To date, over 9,000 people have contracted Ebola worldwide and more than 4,500 have died.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not properly prepare hospitals for incoming cases of Ebola, and I worry hospitals are still not prepared to handle an epidemic in this country. Only after two of our medical professionals were infected did the CDC strengthen the Ebola protection guidelines for our healthcare workers. I am so glad to see that the Dallas nurses are recovering, but they should have never been in danger in the first place. The Department of Homeland Security has now limited incoming travel from West Africa to five American airports with enhanced screening, and I believe that is five too many. In order to keep Americans safe, we must put greater restrictions and screening methods in place on foreign travelers from the affected countries.

The Obama administration has been too slow to react in aggressively fighting the spread of this virus in West Africa, and in particular here at home. Additional precautions must include even more robust, commonsense travel restrictions and screenings, and doctors agree. As the Republicans Doctors Caucus highlighted in a letter to President Obama, “containment is the key to stopping the spread of this highly contagious and deadly disease.”

I continue to remain vigilant. The Obama administration must step up its efforts to prevent further cases here in the U.S., and help the stricken countries in West Africa. Most importantly, federal agencies need to continue to keep the American people informed.


This month has been filled with great visits in celebration of National Manufacturing Month. This week I visited the Gross & Janes Co. facility in Wayne County with GoRail. Gross & Janes Co. is the largest independent supplier and shipper of untreated railroad crossties in North America. It was great to learn how this local manufacturer supports freight railroads; which connect southeast and southern Missouri with markets around the world and keep the economy moving.


On Friday I had the opportunity to visit Caterpillar in Pomona. I enjoyed seeing the products they are working on! Having grown up on my family's farm, I understand how important manufacturing and machinery is to farmers and businesses nationwide.


I was also welcomed by Paramount Apparel in Winona to see American craftsmanship that has been around for 60 years! As I have visited businesses here in the district, I have been so impressed with all the products coming out of southern Missouri.





Jason Smith
Member of Congress