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Congressman Joaquin Castro

Representing the 20th District of Texas


May 1, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro introduces his amendment that would help state and local agencies, like the San Antonio River Authority, receive money they’re owed from the federal government.

Apr 23, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro introduces his amendment to formally establish the UTSA-led National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium within the Department of Homeland Security.

Apr 23, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro introduces his amendment to H.R. 1731 to make self-assessment tools available to small and medium-sized businesses for determining their cybersecurity readiness.

Apr 10, 2015 Video

In Panama while attending the Summit of the Americas, Congressman Castro sits down with Andrea Mitchell to discuss the importance of the Summit and the future of U.S.-Cuba relations.

Apr 6, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro, member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Armed Services Committee, discusses the role Congress will have as nuclear negotiations with Iran move forward.

Mar 3, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro discusses the passage of a clean, long-term funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security, and offers his thoughts on Prime Minister Netanyahu's address to Congress.

Feb 27, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro discusses Congress' failure to pass short-term funding for the Department of Homeland Security.

Feb 26, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro introduces his amendment to education bill H.R.5 to improve the college readiness of homeless youth through increased access to counseling.

Feb 26, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro introduces his amendment to education bill H.R.5 that would appoint a neutral ombudsperson in the Department of Education to address K-12 student textbook standards and concerns.

Feb 26, 2015 Video

Congressman Castro offers his reactions to the President's town hall on immigration and emphasizes the need to secure the homeland against ISIS and other terrorist threats.
