Press Releases

Ellmers: Give Hope Back to These Families

Washington, DC, October 3, 2013 | comments
"If you've ever seen the look on a parents face when they're told that their child has cancer and then you take their hope away, the moment that they know they can fight for it they will. Senator Reid - give hope back to these families. I tell you
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Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) released the following statement following this morning's press conference with fellow members of the GOP Doctors Caucus where they highlight legislation passed to fund pediatric cancer research and other health care research priorities.

"We are granted the power of the purse strings by our Constitution, so we are right and reasonable in using this power. Yesterday this House led by the majority party acted responsibly in providing yet another plan to get parts of this government back open again. We provided funding for the NIH, including issues like pediatric cancer research. We provided funding to get our National Parks and museums open again. We provided funding for the District of Columbia which is part of our stewardship."

"Today we will once again vote to keep our promises to our veterans and we will vote for funding for our National Guard and reservists. These are all areas that we have broad agreement with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle. Why shouldn’t we pass the funding measures that we all have broad agreement on?"

"The hard working American taxpayers expect us to do the right thing. The right thing in this situation is to provide funding and open the areas of government that we can all agree on, while we continue to be at the table ready to negotiate our larger differences. It’s time for our colleagues on the other side, and frankly the president, to join in the negotiations."

Click here to watch Congresswoman Ellmers' remarks at this morning's press conference.

Click here to watch her floor speech today on this issue.

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