Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) gave the following remarks at a leadership press conference earlier today:

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“Good morning. One thing I continue to read about with the Affordable Care Act is the enrollment numbers. We now see it has fallen short of expectations with one month to go – they said they would have seven million signed up and now they are at four million. But they also said they would have the healthy and young signed up but when you look into the numbers they aren’t meeting that criteria either. And today I read the Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll and now it is falling short with the public. The President is at his lowest approval rating. Then last night we saw it fell short with the voters. You cannot spin away the election from last night. There was a libertarian on the ballot and the Democrats had their ideal candidate that ran for governor and this is a seat the President carried both times.

“Last week we had on the floor an individual mandate delay and five more Democrats joined with us from last July; 22 to 27. This week we will have SGR, the DocFix, paid for ten years by delaying the individual mandate. We do not have to wait for the President for a Friday night to put out that he is going to delay it. This is time for both parties to work together to stop having something fall short and actually do something for the American people.”