Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on Senate passage of the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act (H.R. 2019):

“Senate passage of the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act is truly welcome news. As a result of this overwhelmingly bipartisan legislation, millions of dollars will now be used to pioneer new research in an effort to develop treatments and cures for pediatric disorders and diseases. There have been many critical breakthroughs in pediatric medical research over the past few years, but more can and must be done. I thank my good friends Leader Eric Cantor (VA-07), Congressman Greg Harper (MS-3) and Tom Cole (OK-4) for their hard work and dedication toward this important cause.

“Additionally, I applaud Leader Harry Reid for actually putting a House-passed bill on the Senate floor for a vote. There are nearly two hundred House-passed bills, many of them bipartisan, that Leader Reid has refused to take up in the Senate. It is my hope that today marks a new beginning and not an exception to what seemingly is his rule.”