From the Conference

Republicans Offer Debt Solution With Cut, Cap, and Balance ... But Will Democrats Join Them?

McConnell: “The Cut, Cap, and Balance plan is the kind of strong medicine Washington needs and the American people want.”

  • The GOP measure would cut spending in Fiscal Year 2012 by $111 billion, cap future spending at 18 percent of gross domestic product and approve a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution.” (Ian Swanson, “Markets drop amid fears that Washington won't reach debt deal,” The Hill, 07/18/11)
  • House Republican leaders have thrown their support behind the ‘Cut, Cap and Balance’ plan that conservatives are demanding in return for an increase in the federal debt ceiling.” (Molly K. Hooper and Russell Berman, “Republican leaders embrace 'Cut, Cap and Balance' plan; vote set for next week,” The Hill, 07/15/11)
  •  “House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) have made votes on the Cut, Cap and Balance Act and a balanced-budget amendment their priority this week.” (Alexander Bolton, “McConnell's fallback gains steam,” The Hill, 07/19/11)
  •  “Support for the measure has increased markedly in the last two weeks …” (Ian Swanson, “Markets drop amid fears that Washington won't reach debt deal,” The Hill, 07/18/11)