Congressman Pete King

Representing the 2nd District of New York


During my more than twenty years in Congress, I have been a staunch defender of the State of Israel. I oppose any and all attempts by Palestinians to unilaterally declare statehood, circumvent the peace process or pressure Israel into making concessions that would jeopardize its security. While the United States can use its good offices, peace can only be achieved through direct, bilateral negotiations.

As unrest continues to rock the Middle East, it is more important than ever that the United States steadfastly support the Jewish State’s right to defend itself. The most significant threat facing Israel remains the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran. The United States must work with Israel and our allies to thwart Iran’s dangerous ambitions and keep all options on the table to do so.

The recent nuclear deal that the Obama administration struck with Iran is a bad deal and the wrong policy for the United States to pursue. This agreement allows Iran, after just ten years, to develop a nuclear weapon within one year. During these ten years Iran will retain its nuclear infrastructure and receive hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief which it can use to spread terrorism throughout the world. This agreement also allows Iran 24 days to prepare for an inspection, ends the arms embargo in Iran after five years, and also ends the ICBM embargo after eight years. By doing so this agreement only institutionalizes Iran’s nuclear program. Be assured that I will take every possible action to oppose this deal.

It is also essential that the United States provide Israel with the tools it needs to defend itself and maintain its Qualitative Military Edge (QME) over its adversaries. Consistent with the 2008 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), I supported $3.1 billion in security assistance to Israel for FY 2015.

I have also endorsed these items:

  • On 3/20/15, I cosigned a letter to the President emphasizing that any nuclear deal struck with Iran must close any pathway for Iran to pursue a nuclear bomb. This letter also stressed that any sanctions relief for congressionally mandated sanctions would require new legislation.
  • On 8/15/14, I cosigned a letter to the governments of Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and El Salvador regarding the recall of their ambassadors to Israel, expressing that this decision only hindered any prospects of peace in the Middle East.
  • On 7/31/14, I cosigned a letter to UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki Moon urging for the removal of Hamas’ rocket arsenal.
  • On 6/25/14, I cosigned a letter to John Kerry in support of initiatives to curb anti-Semitism.
  • On 1/17/14, I cosigned a letter to the American Studies Association in opposition to its academic boycott of Israel.
  • On 4/16/13, I sent a letter to the U.S. Ambassador to Argentina expressing concerns about the Argentina-Iran Memorandum of Understanding regarding the attack on the Argentina Israelite Mutual Association.
  • A resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives in disapproval of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Iran Nuclear Deal) agreed to by the P5+1 and Iran on July 14, 2015.
  • A resolution condemning all forms of anti-Semitism and encouraging U.S. and European leadership to take measures to prevent attacks
  • A resolution to Enhance Security of Europe’s Jewish Communities and improve the prevention and response to anti-Semitic attacks
  • A resolution recognizing the 65th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel
  • A resolution denouncing the use of civilians as Human Shields by Hamas
  • A resolution supporting Israel’s right to self-defense
  • The United States-Israel Trade Commercial Enhancement Act, which aims to counter the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel.
  • The U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act, which declares Israel a major strategic partner of the United States.
  • The Iron Dome Support Act, which authorizes the President to provide assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome defense systems.
  • The U.S.-Israel Missile Defense Cooperation Act,  to authorize assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-rocket defense system
  • Joined the Bi-Partisan Congressional Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism.