Washington D.C – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement announcing the launch of WhipCast, a revolutionary new app that gives Members of Congress, their staff and the American public a new and easy way to get real-time updates about what’s going on in Congress:

“Today I am proud to announce the launch of WhipCast, a first-of-its-kind government app available on the iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and Android. As House Majority Whip, I have made it my goal to modernize the way Congress interacts and engages with our Members, staff and the American people. Congress should be as open and transparent as possible, and House Republicans have made it our priority to provide more access to the public.

“While in the Minority, we saw how the Democrat Majority obscured their actions from the public as they wrote legislation behind closed doors and limited floor debate, and we vowed to chart a new course. WhipCast allows anyone who downloads the app to have the full text of legislation before it is considered on the House floor, the floor schedule, House Republican press releases, alerts on key votes in the House  and more right at their fingertips. I encourage everyone with an interest in what we’re doing in the House of Representatives to fight for a better, brighter America to download this user-friendly app.”

WhipCast is the first government app to be launched simultaneously across all major platforms – iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and Android.

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Downloading this first-of-its-kind app is fast, easy and free, and can be used onalmost any mobile device. All you have to do is go to the app store on your iPad, iPhone, Blackberry or Android device and type in ‘WhipCast,’ or, just click on link of the device you’re using right here and it will take you straight to the store to download: iPhone/iPad, Android, Blackberry.