
Christopher Smith

Clear Filters

Smith: Azerbaijan Referendum Lacks Legitimacy

Chairman Smith Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Aid Holocaust Survivors

Our Impact by Country

Chairman Smith Leads International Legislators against Human Trafficking, Child Sex Tourism

Helsinki Commission Co-Chair Re-Elected as Head of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly First Committee

President Erdogan's Assault on the Human Rights of the Turkish People

It’s Time for the United States to Act on Azerbaijan

Introducing the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2016

Chairman Smith Champions Improved Security for European Jewish Communities at Annual Meeting of OSCE Parliamentarians

Bipartisan Legislation to Bring Back Convicted Criminals Abroad Passes Subcommittee

Helsinki Commission Honored for Work on Ukraine

Chairman Smith Sends Strong Message of Support to Poland Ahead of NATO Summit in Warsaw

Chairman Smith Responds to ICTY's Verdict on Bosnian Serb Leader

Chairman Smith Responds to Brussels Terror Attack

Smith Responds to the Release of Political Prisoners by Azerbaijan

Helsinki Commission Chair, Co-Chair Mourn Passing of Former Senator and Commissioner George Voinovich

40th Anniversary of the U.S. Helsinki Commission

Helsinki Commission to Hold Hearing on the Prevention of Violent Anti-Semitic Attacks in Europe

Chairman Smith Holds Hearing on Terrorist Threats to European Jewish Communities

Helsinki Commission Chair, Co-Chair Welcome Savchenko Release; Urge Russia To Comply With Minsk Agreements

On World Press Freedom Day, Helsinki Commission Chair Urges Azerbaijan: Free Khadija!
