Washington, D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) issued the following statement regarding the one-year anniversary of Obamacare:

“After several failed attempts by Congressional Democrats and the Obama Administration to re-brand, re-sell, and re-package the failure of Obamacare, this bill has grown to become even more unpopular today than it was a year ago. According to recent poll numbers, Americans increasingly believe that their family has been “negatively affected” by the health care legislation. They also agree this bill removes the freedom of choice, limits access to care, increases health care costs while raising taxes, and uses budget gimmicks that will strangle American innovation, job creation and growth for the indefinite future. This is not acceptable.

“Republicans stand with the American people in their concern that Obamacare represents a massive new burden they can’t afford for a health system they don’t want. House Republicans have already successfully passed a full repeal of Obamacare, a repeal of the job-destroying 1099 reporting requirements, as well as funding restrictions to severely limit the President’s ability to implement Obamacare in any form. I will not stop fighting until this government takeover of health care is fully repealed and defunded.

“In the coming months, Republicans will continue to fight for families across the country by dismantling Obamacare through votes and hearings in the House to bring to light the job-killing burdens and budget-busting truths about the law. We will demand the Democratic-controlled Senate and the President finally listen to the American people and we will keep fighting to stop the implementation of this law. Obamacare must be repealed and we are committed to putting in place common-sense reforms that lower health care costs without raising taxes or increasing our debt. I will continue working to put in place policies to ensure America remains a place where you and your children can prosper.”