Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Nolan Votes to Override Veto of Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act

Sep 28, 2016
Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today released the following statement on his vote to override the veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act:

“The bipartisan Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act will help ensure that hostile foreign governments pay the price for killing Americans. And with my cosponsorship, the House overwhelmingly reaffirmed support for this legislation to allow nations that sponsor terrorism on U.S. soil to be held accountable by victims and their families in U.S. courts.

First and foremost, our bill would allow Saudi Arabia to be sued for any role it may have played in the September 11th attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged the Pentagon and killed thousands of Americans. The connections between the Saudis and the terrorists became much more clear after 28 highly classified pages of the official 9-11 Report were released at our urging after being locked in a vault under the U.S. Capitol Building for more than a decade. As I have said before, those responsible for the terrible carnage on September 11th must pay.”