Tag Archives: Department of Education

Back to School with GAO

As students return to school, some are facing more challenges than just catching the bus and doing homework. Today, the WatchBlog is testing your knowledge of some of the issues affecting the well-being of the nation’s school-age children.

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Customer Service for Federal Student Loan Borrowers (podcast)

The Department of Education issued almost $96 billion in higher education loans through its Direct Loan Program in fiscal year 2015. Under this program, students borrow from the federal government, but repay the loan through loan servicers under contract with … Continue reading

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Help for Those Who Help Provide Special Education

Since 1975, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act has helped school-aged children with disabilities obtain an education. Last fiscal year, it helped nearly 7 million students participate in classes and engage in school-based activities. But are educators spending more time … Continue reading

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AskGAOLive: Student Loan Debt, a Video Chat from October 29th

Update (11/2/2015): This post has been updated to include links and images shared during the chat. Outstanding student loan debt now exceeds $1 trillion. And some borrowers are struggling to make their payments—about 12 percent defaulted on their student loans … Continue reading

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Don’t Know Much about Geography (podcast)

More than memorizing maps, geography is about the relationship between people and the environment. Fighting the spread of Ebola? Geography helps anticipate possible transmission from one place to another. Growing a business? Geography can help identify the best store locations. … Continue reading

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Podcast on Federal Student Loan Repayment Options

Millions of Americans rely on federal student loans to help finance their education. But outstanding loan debt now exceeds $1 trillion. Further, about 14% of borrowers default on their loans within 3 years of entering repayment. Some federal programs exist … Continue reading

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Hurricane Katrina: 10 Years after the Storm

It’s been a decade since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. In that time, we’ve examined almost every aspect of federal recovery efforts following the storm. Today, we look back at some of that work and explore how to reduce … Continue reading

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Infographic on Guidance Documents from Federal Agencies

Federal agencies issue many documents targeted to the general public. These guidance documents help explain things like how employers can comply with workplace safety laws or how Head Start grantees can meet requirements.

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School Bullying and Legal Protections for Vulnerable Groups

Millions of American children and teens have been physically, verbally, relationally, or electronically bullied by their peers. Bullying can have harmful psychological, academic, and behavioral outcomes for victims. Because October is National Bullying Prevention Month, we wanted to highlight our … Continue reading

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Podcast on Education of Homeless Students

In the 2011 to 2012 school year, there were more than 1 million homeless students in the United States. The Department of Education established a grant program to help homeless students gain access to public education. Hear our podcast with Kay … Continue reading

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