Tag Archives: Recovery

Ending “Too Big to Fail”

8 years ago this month, the Federal Reserve bailed out Bear Stearns, preventing it from collapsing. This triggered an unprecedented amount of federal assistance to help stabilize markets—more than $1 trillion in loans and hundreds of billions of dollars of … Continue reading

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Sharing Data to Improve Disaster Response and Recovery Programs

Since 2013, our Government Data Sharing Community of Practice has hosted a series of public discussions on challenges and opportunities related to sharing data in government. Read on for the findings of our latest forum on how government can use … Continue reading

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It’s Hurricane Season—Informing Federal Disaster Management

Hurricane season is well under way, and we’re highlighting some of our reports and resources that can help inform federal disaster management in events such as hurricanes. 2014’s first named storm, Hurricane Arthur, has already found a place in the … Continue reading

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Using DATA to Shine the Light on Federal Spending

Understanding how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars is a daunting task. In fiscal year 2013 alone, the federal government spent $3.5 trillion. In May, Congress unanimously passed and the President signed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA), which … Continue reading

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