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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri

Weekly Capitol Report

Jan 2, 2015 Weekly Capitol Report

As 2014 and the 113th Congress draw to a close, I would like to take some time this week to look back and reflect on the 18 months I have been able to serve you in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District. This time last year I wrote a column outlining five goals I had for the year.

Dec 26, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

The House and Senate will officially be sworn in for their next term in January and there is a lot of work to be done. In the next Congress, I will be working with a larger House majority and new Senate majority, and we will hit the ground running on day one to provide relief to Americans throughout the country, especially in rural America.

Dec 19, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

Last week the House made important progress on an issue I have been fighting since I got to Washington – protecting our farmers and landowners from intrusive federal regulations.

Dec 12, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

This week I made one of the most difficult votes of my career. I voted for an omnibus funding bill that includes a continuing resolution.

Dec 5, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

In case you missed it, last week our national debt surpassed $18 trillion. When I am home in Missouri, I constantly hear from parents and grandparents who are worried that their children and grandchildren will not be able to live the American dream because our national debt will cripple our economy for generations.

Dec 1, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

Open enrollment under Obamacare has begun again and even more folks are being forced to participate in the exchanges. We are hearing that more businesses are being forced to lay off employees, individuals are being dropped from their policies and we don’t even know what the true extent of this round’s damage under Obamacare will be.

Nov 21, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

Affordable energy options for Missourians may be a thing of the past if President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) place additional burdensome regulations on coal-fired power plants.  Coal is an effective, affordable means of energy that keeps Missouri’s utility rates low.  Right now, EPA officials are attempting to wage war on coal by eliminating or restricting its use in en

Nov 14, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

Well, it has happened again. President Obama is threatening to use his self-imposed executive authority to take sweeping action the majority of Americans oppose. This time he is talking about granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

Nov 7, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

For months I’ve been telling you about how detrimental the new Waters of the United States Environmental Protection Agency regulation would be to our way of life, and now there’s something we can do to stop it. The federal government is accepting comments on this new proposed rule through Friday, Nov. 14.

Oct 31, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

We have heard a lot about partisan gridlock lately, but the truth is that over the past two years the House of Representatives passed hundreds of bills that would improve the lives of Americans. We've passed bills to put Americans to work, get energy costs down, and ease burdens on businesses. But where are those bills now? They’re stuck in the Senate.
