Barrasso: Terrorists will be Kept ‘At Bay’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) applauded a Senate amendment that removes an $80 million plan to shutter Guantanamo Bay in the war spending bill.

“This is a win for common sense. These detainees pose a serious threat,” Barrasso said. “To close Gitmo without a solid plan for the detainees would be reckless.”

“The detainees housed at Guantanamo Bay include terrorist recruiters, trainers, financiers, bomb makers, and planners of the attacks of September 11,” Barrasso said.

Barrasso visited the facility over the weekend. “Past descriptions don't meet current reality,” Barrasso said. “Guantanamo Bay is remote and very secure.  Secure enough to house the most dangerous security risks to our country and allies. The detainees are treated humanely and safely. The detention facilities are just like our federal prisons and certainly exceed any maximum-security prison in the world. Guantanamo Bay is where these terrorists belong.”

President Obama issued an executive order to close Guantanamo Bay by January of 2010.

“I will fight against any attempt to move these terrorists onto American soil,” Barrasso said.

The amendment passed 90-6.