Category Archives: Information Security

Federal Cybersecurity Challenges

These days, when you turn on the news you almost always see another hack, leak, or breach putting sensitive information at risk. But we’ve been focusing on keeping federal agency information systems secure for a long time. For October’s Cybersecurity … Continue reading

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Eyes in the Sky | Could We Be Headed for Less Accurate Weather Forecasts?

Satellites are critical for timely forecasts and warnings of extreme weather events. But, as we’ve discussed before, some of these satellites are aging and should be replaced. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration oversees key weather satellites, and today we’re … Continue reading

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The Stubborn Problem of Identity Theft Tax Refund Fraud (podcast)

The Internal Revenue Service estimates that it paid out more than $3 billion in identity theft tax refund fraud in 2014—i.e., fraudsters using stolen identities to file taxes in someone else’s name, collecting tax refunds, and then disappearing. Jay McTigue, … Continue reading

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Smartphone Tracking Apps (podcast)

Smartphones have apps that can help parents keep track of their kids or businesses keep tabs on deliveries. But some of these tracking apps could also be used to facilitate stalking. Listen to Mark Goldstein, a director in our Physical … Continue reading

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Weaknesses in IRS Information Security (podcast)

To do its job, the IRS has to collect and keep a variety of sensitive information about taxpayers. But how does it make sure this information is secure? Listen to Greg Wilshusen, a director in our Information Technology team, discuss … Continue reading

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The National Cybersecurity Protection System (podcast)

With cyberattacks on the rise, protecting federal government computer systems, the infrastructure they control, and the private data stored within them is of the utmost importance. The National Cybersecurity Protection System is intended to help—but how well is it working? … Continue reading

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Getting Closure on Our Recommendations

Last year, we blogged about why agencies implement GAO’s recommendations. Looking at our annual Performance and Accountability Report, you can see that we’ve averaged 1,800 recommendations a year with an average 80% implementation rate between fiscal years 2010-2015. This adds … Continue reading

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Cyber Risks and Critical Infrastructure (podcast)

Critical infrastructures—the facilities and systems that support banking, commerce, energy, and agriculture—are vital to our national economy, security, and public health. They’re also vulnerable to cyberattacks, a growing concern in an increasingly connected world. Listen to Greg Wilshusen, a director … Continue reading

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Government IT Systems Still at Risk

Lately, it’s a recurring news story—another hack, leak, or breach, and sensitive information is compromised. We’ve long identified information system security as a high-risk area throughout the government. So for October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re highlighting federal cybersecurity challenges.

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A Closer Look at Privacy as a High Risk Area – When Advancing Technology Meets Increasing Concerns

From online health care exchanges to mobile device location data, the privacy of personally identifiable information (PII) is a major concern when it comes to information technology. Today, we take a closer look at the privacy of PII, and why … Continue reading

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