Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Protecting Our Out of Doors

In Minnesota, we live for the great out-of-doors. We hunt, fish, bike, hike, boat, and camp in and along forests, lakes, and trails we treasure for their unspoiled cleanliness and beauty. The Nolan homestead in rural Crosby is a regular gathering place for 5 generations of Nolans who together tap maple syrup in spring, harvest wild rice in the fall, and never miss a hunting or fishing opener. As Congressman, I am determined to preserve our natural treasures for ourselves and our children, and I do everything in my power to advance laws and policies that protect our precious environment, use our resources wisely, and serve our national interest. 

I’m proud to sit on two Subcommittees – the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment, and the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry – that enable me to promote the economic and ecological vitality of our northeastern Minnesota waterways, forests and farmlands, as well as our ability to produce clean energy to fuel manufacturing and generate good paying middle-class jobs for years to come.

In that regard, I am particularly proud of my amendments to the Water Resources Reform and Development bill (WRRDA) to close the St. Anthony Lock & Dam in Minneapolis, and expand the definition of “invasive species” to include all animal life – in order to prevent invasive species like invasive carp and zebra mussels from taking over our Minnesota waterways, destroying native habitats and threatening our multi-billion dollar sport fishing and tourist industry.

  • Read my op-ed in the Duluth News Tribune about my amendments to the Water Resources bill that prevent the spread of invasive species into our waterways.

Preserving Wildlife Habitat

  • I'm working on legislation supported by conservation groups to encourage farmers to preserve native prairie grasses and many of the measures I worked to include in the 2013 Farm Bill - protecting the Conservation Title, as well as other conservation priorities - are now public law.
  • I've urged the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Director, Dan Ashe, to take into consideration any and all harmful effects on our northern Minnesota timber industry, if the northern long-eared bat is placed on the endangered species list. We should be studying the true cause of the bat's population decline - a fungus known as white-nose syndrome - and not habitat destruction. Read my letter here.
  • I fully support reauthorization of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), which helps to conserve North America's waterfowl, fish, and wildlife resources. Minnesota currently has 93 NAWCA projects, successfully conserving more than 200,000 acres of wildlife habitat, and I will continue to support and fight for funding for these worthy projects that benefit our environment.
  • I introduced the North Country National Scenic Trail Route Adjustment Act (H.R. 799), bipartisan legislation which would reroute the current North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT) - a 4,600-mile trail linking seven states from North Dakota to Vermont - to avoid significant wetlands and bogs in Minnesota. My bill would also link the NCT up with the popular Appalachian Trail in Vermont, creating a unified trail system.

Common Sense policies + Environmental Protection

The battle for environmental protection is ongoing. To be sure, we’ve made great progress from the days when our rivers were catching on fire, the air over our towns and cities was hazy brown, and our land was spoiled with contaminated Superfund sites. Yet there is still much more work to do, understanding that in the long run, sound economic policies and sound environmental policies go hand in hand. The time is long past when America had to choose between jobs and clean air, water, and land.

With that in mind, I will continue to fight and work for common-sense laws and policies requiring mining, energy transportation and manufacturing to be done right, using the latest proven 21st-century products and technologies to protect the environment, lower our carbon footprint, cut back on pollution, and create good paying middle class jobs.

That’s why I’ve introduced and/or sponsored legislation to require American and international companies adhere to our strictest health, safety, and environmental standards, as well as to provide tax incentives to renewable energy producers, to encourage the timber industry to explore new uses for wood biofuels and advanced wood products, and to offer incentives for farmers to preserve native grasslands.

  • During debate on the Farm Bill, I added an amendment to direct the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory to conduct research demonstrating the benefits of wood as an environmentally-friendly building material. Since then, the USDA has begun a million-dollar program to promote the many uses of wood in energy and advanced technology. Read more about my work to promote wood-based bioproducts here.

I introduced the landmark American Pipeline Jobs & Safety Act to require that all pipeline laid in the United States be made from safe and reliable American steel, helping to prevent future environmental disasters such as oil spills due to faulty pipelines.

  • Read more about my American Pipeline Jobs & Safety Act.
  • Watch me speak before the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee about the dangers of "fast-tracking" pipeline construction. 
  • Watch me speak in opposition to H.R.3, the Northern Route Approval Act, which would have authorized the Keystone XL pipeline by exempting a foreign corporation from our health, safety, and environmental standards of accountability.

More on Environment

Oct 12, 2016 In The News

WASHINGTON, D,C, (KDAL) - The Water Resources Development Act of 2016 was passed by the House of Representatives this week. 

Minnesota 8th District Congressman Rick Nolan tells KDAL news the bill includes the reauthorization of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through 2020 at 300 million dollars per year. 

Sep 28, 2016 Press Release

Citing $300 million per year for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) and several other successful Nolan initiatives for Minnesota’s Eighth District included in the bill, U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today voted in favor of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016.

Aug 18, 2016 In The News

U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, along with Representative Rick Nolan have announced today, that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded a grant of $58,000 to prevent untreated storm-water runoff in Duluth.

The funds will be used to construct rain gardens, plant trees, and restore the shoreline buffer at Park Point to prevent approximately 89,000 gallons of untreated storm-water runoff from reaching Lake Superior.

Aug 18, 2016 In The News

Duluth and Ashland have landed federal grants to help keep polluted runoff out of Lake Superior near swimming beaches.

Duluth is getting $58,000 and Ashland $175,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. About $2 million will go to 13 Great Lakes cities to conduct shoreline projects near popular beaches.

Having Great Lakes water that is clean enough to safely swim in is part of the ongoing, multi-year restoration effort funded by Congress.

Aug 9, 2016 Press Release

US Rep Rick Nolan today applauded a $40,000 grant awarded to Minnesota from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to research and develop a response to white-nose syndrome (WNS), a disease that is killing millions of bats in Minnesota and across the country. Minnesota’s first confirmed cases of WNS were reported in March 2016 at Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park.

Jul 12, 2016 In The News

The Carlton Soil and Water Conservation District was awarded more than $75,000 for a project to reduce phosphorus and sediment in Deer Creek, a tributary to the Nemadji River south of Wrenshall, courtesy of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) funding by the Great Lakes Commission.

Jun 27, 2016 Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today announced that the Carlton Soil and Water Conservation District has been awarded more than $75,000 in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) funding by the Great Lakes Commission. The grant was awarded for a project to reduce phosphorus and sediment in Deer Creek, a tributary to the Nemadji River south of Wrenshall.

Mar 4, 2016 In The News

INTERNATIONAL FALLS - The final piece of funding for the Island View Sanitary Sewer Extension Project fell into place last week when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers committed $4.5 million to complete a project designed to prevent untreated wastewater from leaching into Rainy Lake.

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan hailed the news as “good for the lake, good the environment, and good for local resorts, small businesses, tourists and residents.”

Acting Superintendent Bill Carlson credited the efforts of the Voyageurs National Park Clean Waters Joint Powers Board.

Feb 12, 2016 In The News

A plan to extend sewer service to Island View is likely to move forward this spring, with a boost of $4.5 million in new money from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The sewer project near Voyageurs National Park and the shoreline of Rainy Lake is listed in the corps’ work plan for 2016, released on Monday. The project’s $4.5 million is listed among more than $1.8 billion of projects included on four pages.

Feb 12, 2016 In The News

The Chisago County Board meeting Feb. 3 and a meeting with U.S. Congressman Rick Nolan Feb. 5 both had the same focus: recreational trails.
During the board meeting, Commissioner Ben Montzka addressed a trio of projects in Chisago County that have been reccomended for Legacy money for fiscal years 2016 and 2017.