Dole Lauds Expiration of OCS Moratorium, Calls For Permanent Repeal

September 24th, 2008 - Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Dole today made the following statement after Democratic Congressional leaders conceded to demands that a ban on offshore energy exploration not be renewed:

“This is certainly a step in the right direction because it moves the United States one step closer to lower gas prices and greater energy independence,” said Dole, “but Congress still needs to take decisive action to permanently lift the moratorium and ensure that states can share in revenue generated from energy exploration off their coasts.”


For months, Dole has called for using “everything and the kitchen sink” to solve our energy crisis. In addition to responsibly exploring for energy on the OCS, in Alaska and in oil shale in the Western United States, Dole’s comprehensive strategy calls for doubling down on conservation, increasing investment in alternative and renewable energy, and ensuring energy markets are functioning fairly. As part of this strategy, Dole introduced legislation in July to roll back $17 billion in tax breaks for oil companies and to redirect that revenue to investments in alternative and renewable energy resources. She has also called on the president to create an Oil and Gas Market Fraud Task Force to police energy speculators and crack down on market irregularities.