Category Archives: Retirement Security

National Save for Retirement Week

The U.S. population is changing and so is retirement. Boomers are aging, traditional pensions are shifting to voluntary contribution plans, and Social Security faces important financial challenges. Planning—and saving—for retirement is more important than ever. For National Save for Retirement … Continue reading

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Older Adults, Dementia, and Antipsychotic Drugs

About 15% of older adults have dementia. Some of them are prescribed antipsychotic drugs to help treat the symptoms of the disease. However, the Food and Drug Administration has not approved those drugs to treat dementia. May is Older Americans … Continue reading

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Retirement Savings Strategies Are Not One Size Fits All

People are living longer and spending more time in retirement. In addition, individuals are now expected to ensure their own retirement financial security. It’s no wonder that planning for retirement has become one of the most important financial moves you … Continue reading

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Affordable Ways to Save

For many of us, U.S. savings bonds bring back memories of birthday or graduation gifts from grandparents or aunts or uncles. But U.S. savings bonds have also provided Americans with a safe, affordable way to save and invest. We recently … Continue reading

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How Secure Is Social Security?

We often write about Social Security, and for good reason: it faces financial challenges and needs attention soon. The recently passed Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 made a number of changes to temporarily stave off insolvency for Social Security’s disability … Continue reading

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Expanding Participation in Retirement Savings Programs

Many Americans approach retirement with little or no savings. For National Save for Retirement Week, today’s WatchBlog explores why people aren’t saving for retirement and what some states are proposing to help fix that.

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How Is SSA Keeping Up at 80?

Eighty years after FDR signed it into existence, the Social Security Administration is managing one of the nation’s largest social safety nets. SSA oversees hundreds of billions in benefits paid to around 60 million retired or disabled Americans every year. … Continue reading

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Your Employer Might Help Improve Your Financial Fitness

Maybe there’s money under the mattress, because there doesn’t seem to be much in the bank. About half of households age 55 and older have no retirement savings, and many of them don’t have pensions, either. Financial education can empower … Continue reading

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Join Our AskGAOLive Chat on Retirement Savings, Monday June 29th

Retirement is around the corner for the Baby Boom generation. However, changes in pension plans and uncertainty about the future of Social Security raise questions about whether this and other generations of Americans are saving enough to retire.

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Podcast on Americans’ Retirement Security

As baby boomers move into retirement age, their retirement security is getting a lot of attention, due to longer life expectancies, private-sector pension changes, and uncertainty about Social Security’s long-term fiscal condition.

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