FY 2013 Performance and Accountability Summary Report

PAR coverAs an independent non-partisan agency that serves as the audit and investigative arm of Congress, we examine how taxpayer dollars are spent and advise lawmakers and agency heads on ways to make government work better.

We recently issued a summary of our performance and accountability report for fiscal year 2013, which provides some highlights from the full 148-page report released in December. A few notable points from the report:

  • We identified $51.5 billion in financial benefits to taxpayers—a return of about $100 for every dollar invested in us—and helped make the government more efficient in 1,314 other ways.
  • We issued 709 reports and made 1,430 new recommendations to federal agencies or the Congress.
  • Our senior officials testified at 114 hearings on key topics, such as personnel security clearances, information technology investments, the U.S. Postal Service’s financial condition, and veterans’ health care.
  • Federal agencies or Congress implemented 79 percent (1,438) of the recommendations we made in the last 4 years.
  • Our financial statements again held up to independent audit.

Read the summary report or check out the full report to learn more.

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