An Introduction to GAO’s Key Issues

Thumbnail Key IssuesEach year, we issue hundreds of reports on topics spanning the full breadth and scope of the federal government’s responsibilities. In fiscal year 2013, we issued 709 reports, made 1,430 new recommendations, and testified at 114 congressional hearings. We developed our Key Issues web resource to provide members of Congress, federal agencies, and the American people with an enhanced way to browse, navigate, and explore our work.

Key Issues provides access to our work on more than 70 issue areas, such as

Each Key Issue page provides a summary of our work on the issue, highlights significant reports and other relevant content (including podcasts and videos), and contact information for GAO subject area experts. Users can browse GAO’s Key Issue pages by topic or related federal agency. The pages are updated regularly to ensure that the resource remains current and responsive to user needs and feedback.

We look forward to having you explore our work through Key Issues.

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