
Boxer Speaks on the Need to End Gun Violence

Senator Boxer spoke on the floor on the need to end gun violence and better protect our communities following the tragic mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.

Boxer Testifies on California Emergency Drought Relief Act

Senator Boxer testified today before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee in support of legislation she is sponsoring with Senator Feinstein to help California communities respond to the historic drought.

Senator Boxer Speaks on the Confirmation of Judge Drozd and the Shooting in Roseburg, Oregon

Senator Boxer spoke on the Senate floor today to praise the confirmation of Judge Dale Drozd and to offer her condolences to the families affected by the horrific mass shooting in Oregon.

Senator Boxer Speaks in Support of Iran Nuclear Agreement

Senator Boxer spoke on the Senate floor today in support of Iran nuclear agreement, highlighting the broad support for the deal, including from some of America’s strongest allies.

Boxer Speaks on Importance of Preserving Access to High-Quality Afterschool Programs

Senator Boxer spoke on the Senate floor today in support of language in the Every Child Achieves Act that preserves access to afterschool programs by reauthorizing the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.

Boxer Speaks Out Against 'Fast Track' Trade Legislation

Senator Boxer spoke on the Senate floor today in opposition to Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation – also known as “fast track” – which would allow the Administration to negotiate and pass trade deals like the 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) without the chance for Congress to amend the agreements to protect American workers, the environment and public health.

Boxer Speaks Out Against 'Fast Track' Trade Legislation

Senator Boxer spoke on the Senate floor today in opposition to Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation – also known as “fast track” – which would allow the Administration to negotiate and pass trade deals like the 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) without the chance for Congress to amend the agreements to protect American workers, the environment and public health.

Boxer Speaks Out Against GOP Budget

Senator Boxer urged Republicans on the Senate floor today to pass a budget that invests in the middle class instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy few.

Boxer Calls Senate Republicans' Budget a 'Blueprint for Unfairness'

Senator Boxer spoke on the Senate floor today to denounce the unfair Republican budget that would cut education, scientific research, food safety, school lunches and other programs that American families depend on while protecting the wealthiest of the wealthy few.

Boxer Urges Republicans to Fully Fund the Department of Homeland Security

Senator Boxer spoke on the Senate floor today to urge Republicans to bring up a clean DHS funding bill instead of pushing an ideological agenda to rip apart millions of immigrant families.

Showing 1 - 10 of 18 records