Tag Archives: Greg Wilshusen

Securing the Nation’s Most Sensitive Information (podcast)

High-impact federal information systems hold sensitive information, which, if lost, could cause catastrophic harm to individuals, the government, and the nation. We recently surveyed federal agencies about cyber threats to high-impact systems and efforts to protect them. Listen to Greg … Continue reading

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Weaknesses in IRS Information Security (podcast)

To do its job, the IRS has to collect and keep a variety of sensitive information about taxpayers. But how does it make sure this information is secure? Listen to Greg Wilshusen, a director in our Information Technology team, discuss … Continue reading

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A Closer Look at Privacy as a High Risk Area – When Advancing Technology Meets Increasing Concerns

From online health care exchanges to mobile device location data, the privacy of personally identifiable information (PII) is a major concern when it comes to information technology. Today, we take a closer look at the privacy of PII, and why … Continue reading

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Podcast on FAA Air Traffic Control Systems and Information Security

The Federal Aviation Administration relies on a vast array of increasingly interconnected systems and networks for air traffic control. Protecting these systems from internal and external threats is essential to ensuring safe, orderly, and efficient travel through our international air … Continue reading

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