Impacts of Fiscal Year 2013 Sequestration

infographic iconOn March 1st, 2013, the president ordered an across-the-board reduction in federal agency budgets. This reduction, more commonly known as sequestration, had a wide range of effects on agency operations and services to the public.

The infographic below outlines some of our key findings about sequestration and its effects.

To learn more, read the full report, issued today, or listen to our podcast with Michelle Sager, a director in our Strategic Issues team, who led our work.

Sequestration Infographic full size

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2 Responses to Impacts of Fiscal Year 2013 Sequestration

  1. Pingback: Infographic on DOD Sequestration | WatchBlog: Official Blog of the U.S. Government Accountability Office

  2. Pingback: Infographic on DOD Sequestration | ANTIREPORTER

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