The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing today on June 8 to discuss the importance of producing more American energy and using less. The hearing focused on the benefits of nuclear power and the need to aim for a goal of building 100 new nuclear plants in the United States over the next 20 years. The hearing was chaired by Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander. Participants included Scott Campbell, President, American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness; Michael Kurzeja, President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear; David Blee, Executive Director, US Transport Council; and Alex Flint, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Energy Institute.
The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing today on June 8 to discuss the importance of producing more American energy and using less. The hearing focused on the benefits of nuclear power and the need to aim for a goal of building 100 new nuclear plants in the United States over the next 20 years. The hearing was chaired by Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander. Participants included •Scott Campbell, President, American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness; Michael Kurzeja, President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear; David Blee, Executive Director, US Transport Council; and Alex Flint, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Energy Institute.
The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing today on June 8 to discuss the importance of producing more American energy and using less. The hearing focused on the benefits of nuclear power and the need to aim for a goal of building 100 new nuclear plants in the United States over the next 20 years. The hearing was chaired by Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander. Participants included •Scott Campbell, President, American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness; Michael Kurzeja, President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear; David Blee, Executive Director, US Transport Council; and Alex Flint, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Energy Institute.
The Senate Republican Conference held a hearing today on June 8 to discuss the importance of producing more American energy and using less. The hearing focused on the benefits of nuclear power and the need to aim for a goal of building 100 new nuclear plants in the United States over the next 20 years. The hearing was chaired by Senators John McCain and Lamar Alexander. Participants included •Scott Campbell, President, American Council on Global Nuclear Competitiveness; Michael Kurzeja, President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear; David Blee, Executive Director, US Transport Council; and Alex Flint, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Energy Institute.
On Capitol Hill, Senate Republicans want to take the time and carefully examine Judge Sotomayor's extensive record. Senate Republicans will seek fair hearings to determine if the nominee respects the Constitution and laws as written or is one who intends to rewrite them based upon personal preferences.
The Senate Republican Conference and the Republican Policy Committee held a hearing on Thursday, May 21, to discuss wellness and prevention through healthy behavior as a key to health care reform. Helping people lead healthier lives is central to controlling the cost of health care for everyone—not just the unhealthy. Largely manageable or preventable chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States and account for the vast majority of health care spending. This hearing explored solutions that can help keep Americans healthier and truly bend the cost curve in the right direction. Witnesses included Governor Mike Huckabee, Dr. Andrew Baldwin, and Steve Burd, CEO of Safeway, Inc.