Senate Republicans took to the Senate floor to talk about fear in the financial markets and how they're affecting Americans. They urged action to get America moving again.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republican leaders discussed Republican efforts to ease the pain of high gas prices by passing legislation to find more American energy and use less.

Reid vs. Pickens

Aug 18 2008

Harry Reid and Senate Democrats have been heaping praise on the energy proposals of T. Boone Pickens. Reid even claims, "So listen to T. Boone Pickens ... and our country will head in the right direction." But is he really listening?
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans emphasize the need for Democrats to join Republicans in a serious debate on a comprehensive bill to address high gas prices. Any real solution to high gas prices must incorporate finding more American energy and using less. To learn more, please visit
Republican senators urge Democrats to stop saying "no, we can't" when faced with proposals to lower gas prices by tapping domestic energy sources. Republicans are urging Democrats to say "yes, we can" to finding more American energy and using less.