The president likes to talk about the need to address soaring gas prices by embracing an "all of the above" energy plan, but in practice, the president's energy strategy is more like "none of the above." The president continues to say "no" to real energy solutions like the Keystone XL pipeline and its 20000 jobs, oil resources in Alaska and offshore, and a streamlined permitting process for energy development. Meanwhile, the president proposes "solutions" like keeping tires fully inflated and releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which lowered gas prices by just a few cents for a handful of days when the president tried it last summer. It's time for the president to stop talking about an "all of the above" energy plan and start embracing the kind of proposals that will actually increase domestic energy resources and secure our nation's energy future.

Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and his GOP colleagues discuss their opposition to the health care reform law on the second anniversary of it being signed into law. The law is filled with overly burdensome regulations and costly provisions, cuts Medicare, raises billions in new taxes and increases premiums for families by $2,100 a year. "There's no such thing as free health care. Someone has to pay," said Sen. Roberts.

Senator Boozman joined several of his colleagues in a colloquy to discuss the negative impact President Obama's health care law has on spending and job creation.

WASHINGTON, March 18--Appearing on FOX News' "America's News HQ" today, Sen. Sessions discussed the nearing legal deadline for Senate Democrats to produce a budget (the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 requires the Senate Budget Committee to complete action on a resolution by April 1, and requires passage by the full Senate by April 15). Despite this unambiguous statutory requirement, the Budget Committee has taken no action to even begin work on a budget. In fact, it has now been 1,054 days--nearly three years--since Senate Democrats have produced a budget at all.

This stands in sharp contrast to the record of House Republicans, which passed a budget last year and which is set to introduce this year's budget next week.

Rather than confront the nation's debt threat, Senate Democrats have resorted to political tactics on unrelated matters, as well as attacks on the House Republican budget even in the absence of a plan of their own.

Sessions also addressed new cost projections for the president's health law, which the Congressional Budget Office last week found will cost nearly twice what the president originally promised, or nearly three times the promised amount once the law is fully implemented.
Democrats like to talk about job creation as their number-one priority, but their actions tell a different story. Instead of supporting the JOBS Act, legislation to help small businesses which recently passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support, Senate Democrats have chosen to waste time on a series of political votes on judicial nominations. Meanwhile, President Obama spent the day of the House vote on the JOBS Act lobbying against the Keystone pipeline and the 20000 jobs it would create. If Senate Democrats really cared about jobs, they would immediately bring the JOBS Act to the Senate floor and get it to the president as soon as possible.