The Obama economy has resulted in 39 straight months of unemployment over 8 percent, a 47 percent increase in the debt, a 23 percent increase in worker health insurance costs, and gas prices that are double what they were when the president took office. It's no wonder that half of recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed. Instead of proposing serious solutions to these problems, President Obama continues to focus on distracting the American people from his record by manufacturing controversy over issues like extending the lower rate on student loans. It's time for the president to stop playing politics and start working with Republicans to address the economic challenges facing the American people.
Reacting to President Obama's congressional "to-do" list, Senator John Thune, chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, instead suggested that several items should be added to an "Obama Stop List." The president needs to stop pushing job-killing regulations, stop blocking the Keystone XL Pipeline, and stop increasing taxes on job creators.
The interest rate on new federally subsidized Stafford loans is set to double unless Congress acts very soon. Instead of working with Republicans to draft a bipartisan measure to protect college students from this rate hike without adding to the deficit, Democrats and the president are trying to exploit the issue for political gain and distract from their economic record - 39 straight months of unemployment over 8 percent. With one out of every two recent college graduates unemployed or underemployed, it's time for Democrats to work with Republicans to put in place pro-growth policies that will create an economic environment in which college students, and all Americans, can thrive.

Senator Moran proposes the question: How high do gas prices have to get before Washington gets the message?

There are ways to lower energy prices and it comes by increasing domestic supply. Learn more:

U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) delivers the Weekly Republican Address, calling for pro-growth tax reform to broaden the tax base, lower rates for everyone and provide Americans the opportunity to succeed. Senator Corker says "families and state governments are making tough decisions every day in order to make ends meet. And businesses are crying out for clarity on tax rates and regulation. This uncertainty is what's weighing down the recovery and preventing the investment needed to create jobs..."

Sen. Corker points out the failure of President Obama and Senate Democrats to lead on basic budgeting, lowering the debt, and fiscal reforms. He says, "Failing to accomplish even the most basic responsibility of government is a total failure of leadership and represents everything the American people hate about Washington. . . . "Despite every warning sign imaginable, we have no solutions from this Administration or Democratic leadership in the Senate.

"The President punts on almost every tough decision. In fact, as he appeals to college students, his Administration is robbing those same young people of their American inheritance, spending their money on my generation and engaging in nothing short of generational theft."