Here are highlights from a March 16, 2009, hearing on tort reform. Sen. John Cornyn chaired a hearing hearing to discuss reforms that will protect Main Street jobs from lawsuit abuse. Republicans are committed to reforming our legal system to ensure that job creation is not hindered by out-of-control lawsuits. Witnesses included economist Theodore H. Frank, lawsuit abuse victim Crystal Chodes, author Philip Howard, Dr. David Teuscher, MD, and Professor Chris Drahozal.
On March 16, 2009, Sen. John Cornyn chaired a hearing hearing on tort reform to discuss reforms that will protect Main Street jobs from lawsuit abuse. Republicans are committed to reforming our legal system to ensure that job creation is not hindered by out-of-control lawsuits. Witnesses included economist Theodore H. Frank, lawsuit abuse victim Crystal Chodes, author Philip Howard, Dr. David Teuscher, MD, and Professor Chris Drahozal.
The Obama administration has a plan to close the terrorist detention camp at Guantanamo Bay. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a plan for what to do with the terrorists -- which means terrorists may soon be taking up residence in a neighborhood near you.
On Capitol Hill, Senate Republicans urged the president to keep the detention center at Guantanamo Bay open, so that American cities dont have to play host to terrorists. Senate Republicans also called for more budget cuts and continued to emphasize that the Democrats' budget spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much.
At a press conference on the steps of the US Capitol, Senate and House Republicans point out that the Democrats' budget spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much. The Democrats' budget will double the public debt in five years and nearly triple the public debt in 10 years. Republicans want to work with Democrats to craft a responsible budget that doesn't borrow from our children and grandchildren.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans point out that the administration's budget borrows too much. The administration's budget doubles the public debt in five years and nearly triples the public debt in 10 years. Senate Republicans want to work with Democrats to craft a responsible budget that doesn't borrow from our children.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans point out that the administrations budget spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much. Senate Republicans want to work with Democrats to craft a budget that protects taxpayers and creates jobs.
In support of the Democrats' Employee Free Choice Act, (EFCA) labor union members turned a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee hearing into a rally on March 10, 2009. EFCA would take away workers' rights to a secret ballot and force binding arbitration on workers and employers. Senate Republicans oppose the measure, calling it the Employee NO Choice Act, and will fight to protect workers' rights to a secret ballot and keep government from imposing contracts on workers and employers.