Tag Archives: travel

Air Travel and Communicable Diseases (podcast)

Stopping communicable disease from spreading via air travel involves local, national, and international efforts, as illustrated by the 2015 Ebola epidemic. How do governments plan and coordinate with airports and airlines that potentially carry sick passengers? Listen to Gerald Dillingham, … Continue reading

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Air France 447, Malaysia Airlines 370 and Developments in Aircraft Tracking and Flight Data Recovery

Six years ago, Air France Flight 447 (AF447) crashed into the Atlantic between Brazil and Senegal, and it took almost 2 years to retrieve the plane’s black box with the flight data. More recently, investigators found no trace of Malaysia … Continue reading

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Podcast on TSA’s Prohibited Items List

The Transportation Security Administration keeps a list of items that airline passengers aren’t allowed to carry onto planes. Two years ago, TSA raised concerns among stakeholders when it suggested removing small knives from its Prohibited Items List. Listen to our … Continue reading

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Podcast on Aviation Security and Expedited Passenger Screening

In 2011, the Transportation Security Administration introduced its Precheck program, which offers expedited screening to selected air travelers. TSA’s use of expedited screening has rapidly increased in recent years, highlighting the need to ensure the effectiveness of the agency’s security … Continue reading

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