U.S. Sen. David Vitter joined several Senate and House colleagues at a press conference to highlight the Obama administration's obstruction of the full Keystone XL pipeline, even as the president claims credit for allowing a small segment to be completed.

After refusing to issue a presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama is now attempting to take credit for the 29 percent of the pipeline that actually is being built because it does not require presidential approval. Meanwhile, the president continues to block the remaining two-thirds of the pipeline - the part that would actually connect to the energy source and carry oil from Canada, Montana, and North Dakota to the rest of the United States. The president's actions threaten our national security and block access to American jobs and economic growth. If the president really cared about our energy security, he would approve the whole pipeline, not spend his time trying to score political points by taking credit for a part of the pipeline he had nothing to do with.
During the debate over Obamacare, Democrats and the president claimed that the law would lower health care costs, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, protect Medicare, and allow Americans to keep their health care plans. Two years later, it's clear that not one of those promises will be kept. Instead, the health care law will drive up families' premiums by more than $2000, force cash-strapped state governments to shoulder more than $100 billion in new Medicaid costs, take more than half a trillion dollars from Medicare, and encourage employers to drop health care coverage for up to 35 million Americans. And far from creating jobs, the health care law will actually result in 800000 fewer jobs over the next decade. It's time to repeal Obamacare and replace it with commonsense, step-by-step reforms that will actually lower costs.