Senate Republicans emphasize the need to fix Washington's spending problem, reduce the debt, and create an environment where private-sector job creation can flourish. Republicans are also committed to adopting a low-cost energy policy that focuses on finding more traditional and renewable energy sources here at home while using less.
Immediate action is required to address our nation's spiraling debt and put entitlement programs on a sustainable path for the future. Republicans have put forward serious solutions to our nation's debt and spending woes; now it's time for the president to join Republicans and offer a plan to secure our nation's economic future and leave a prosperous America for our children and grandchildren.
Democrats' resistance to serious spending cuts is endangering both our economic recovery and our nation's future. When 40 cents out of every dollar spent by the government is borrowed, it is past time to address our nation's spiraling debt. Republicans are working hard to put our nation back on a path to fiscal responsibility to create an environment in which private-sector job creation can flourish.
Senate Republicans urge Democrats and the president to work with them to draft fiscally responsible legislation to fund the government. Our nation can no longer afford to ignore our epic debt and continue spending money we don't have.
While Democrats balk at any attempt to seriously address our nation's spiraling debt, Senate Republicans continue to fight for responsible spending policies that will put our country back on a sound financial footing and create an environment in which private-sector job creation can flourish. Senate Republicans are also fighting to prevent burdensome energy taxes that would cripple our nation's businesses and drive up the cost of energy for American families.
Senate Republicans discuss the need to cut federal spending and emphasize the need to find more American energy and use less while creating an environment in which the private sector can grow and create new jobs.
Senate Republicans marked the one-year anniversary of the budget-busting health care legislation by highlighting the ever-growing list of problems with the law -- problems like Medicare cuts, higher insurance premiums, lost jobs, and the new burdens the law places on small businesses. Republicans believe this law must be replaced with sensible reforms that will reduce health care costs. Republicans are also working to reduce our nation's soaring debt and create an environment in which private-sector job creation can flourish.
Senators Mitch McConnell, Jim Inhofe and John Barrasso discuss an amendment that would stop the Environmental Protection Agency's back-door national energy tax from taking effect. The amendment was originally introduced as a stand-alone bill by Sen. Inhofe, the ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee. That bill has 43 co-sponsors including one Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia.
Our enormous national debt is one of the greatest threats facing our country and will bankrupt our nation if we don't take swift, serious action to address it. Republicans are urging the president to match his actions to his rhetoric and work with Republicans to develop long-term solutions to our nation's debt crisis.
Senate Republicans comment on Democrats' failure to address the nation's soaring debt and urge the president to step up and work with Republicans to cut spending and put our nation on a path to fiscal responsibility.