Category Archives: Information Management

Government IT Systems Still at Risk

Lately, it’s a recurring news story—another hack, leak, or breach, and sensitive information is compromised. We’ve long identified information system security as a high-risk area throughout the government. So for October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re highlighting federal cybersecurity challenges.

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From Ellis Island to ELIS

Every year, millions of people apply to study, work, visit, or live in the United States. And for years, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services have worked to transform the outdated system used to track and manage these applications. Today’s … Continue reading

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Sharing Data to Improve Disaster Response and Recovery Programs

Since 2013, our Government Data Sharing Community of Practice has hosted a series of public discussions on challenges and opportunities related to sharing data in government. Read on for the findings of our latest forum on how government can use … Continue reading

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Using DATA to Shine the Light on Federal Spending

Understanding how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars is a daunting task. In fiscal year 2013 alone, the federal government spent $3.5 trillion. In May, Congress unanimously passed and the President signed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA), which … Continue reading

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GAO’s Information Technology Team

GAO’s workforce is organized largely by subject area, with most employees working in 1 of 14 mission teams. Today we’ll be putting the spotlight on the Information Technology (IT) team, which helps the government respond to the challenges of managing … Continue reading

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