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Boustany Gains Overwhelming Support and Secures Cosponsor #219


(Washington, DC) – Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D., (R-South Louisiana) issued the following statement after receiving overwhelming support from colleagues by securing more than 218 cosponsors, a number needed for passage in the U.S. House of Representatives, for H.R. 1370, his measure to repeal the tax on health insurance premiums included in Obamacare:

“Sound legislation will attract broad support of Members on its own. This bill serves as a testament to that. There are fundamentals problems with Obamacare with much of it being flawed.  My bill will stop an $87 billion tax that will raise Americans’ health insurance premiums.  As we move forward with this common-sense legislation, I urge all of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this bill,” stated Boustany.

“More than two years after the passage of the healthcare law, small business continues to struggle with increasing health insurance costs.  The threat of future tax increases only amplifies the problem,”said Dan Danner, President and CEO of the National Federation of Independent Business.  “The small business health insurance tax is the worst of both worlds – a tax increase that exclusively hits small business owners and their employees and will increase their health insurance costs.  We thank Congressman Boustany for his leadership effort toward repealing this harmful tax and congratulate him on meeting the significant milestone of support by more than half of the Members of Congress.”


More information on this job-killing tax on small business can be found at http://stopthehit.com/