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Boustany Joins Natural Resources Committee for Field Hearing in Houma

Washington, DC – U.S. Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD (R-Southwest Louisiana) today conducted a field hearing with the House Natural Resources Committee in Houma, Louisiana. The hearing, “A Focus on Community Recovery and New Response Technology,” reviewed the ongoing recovery efforts from the BP disaster and subsequent moratorium on drilling.

“As we approach the one year anniversary of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, it should never be forgotten that 11 brave men lost their lives working to deliver the energy all Americans use every day,” Boustany said. “The disaster is an ongoing tragedy for Louisiana and the Gulf Coast region, our economy, and our environment. The difficult lessons learned from this incident must be implemented as part of safety standards for future offshore exploration. 

“As gas prices skyrocket, there is no excuse for preventing energy production off our coast. On October 12th Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar lifted the ban on offshore drilling. Yet, he continues to delay the actual issuance of drilling permits, resulting in the de facto moratorium.

“I am pleased to participate in this hearing with Chairman Hastings and hear first-hand from Louisianians directly impacted by this disaster,” Boustany said.“We must ensure every effort is made to guarantee a safe resumption of American energy production in the Gulf. Too many jobs are at risk and too many families and businesses face uncertainty about their future. I will continue to advocate for our men and women along the Gulf Coast and ensure our energy producers get back to work.”

Today’s hearing was held at the Houma Civic Center, and included witnesses from various industries and organizations directly affected by the BP tragedy. Representatives from the Governor’s office, the seafood industry, energy producers and the United Houma Nation fielded questions from the Congressional panel.  

Boustany’s leadership has helped restart the permitting process in the Gulf, despite the Obama Administration’s stall tactics. Congressman Boustany has been leading the fight against the moratorium and subsequent de facto moratorium since May 2010.
