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Boustany Votes to Repeal Obamacare One More Time


(Washington, DC) – Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D. (R-South Louisiana) issued the following statement after voting to repeal Obamacare earlier this afternoon. The bill passed with bipartisan support by a vote of 244-185:

“During the debate to pass Obamacare, the President and then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi swore up and down the individual mandate was not a massive tax increase on the middle class. Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court proved them wrong.

“Obamacare will serve as one of the largest tax increases on the American people in our nation’s history. It represents 21 new taxes worth over $800 billion. This serves as the ultimate bait-and-switch move. Raising taxes on Americans to increase health costs is a terrible idea.

“I will continue fighting to stop this massive government intrusion into healthcare and replace it with solutions that restore the doctor-patient relationship, reduce costs, and are fully supported by the American people.”
