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Boustany and Landrieu Team to Keep VA Clinic Doors Open


(Washington, DC)  – Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D. (R-South Louisiana), released the following statement after teaming with Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) to introduce bipartisan, bicameral legislation, Keep Our Commitment to Veterans Act, seeking to keep the doors open on the Lafayette Community-Based Outpatient Clinic while providing a new clinic in Lake Charles:

“Veterans in South Louisiana face yet another mishap as the result of the VA. The current lease on the VA clinic in Lafayette expires on November 13th. The VA’s ability to continue operating at the facility is time limited.  Veterans deserve a long-term solution.”

Boustany added, “With demand increasing and existing resources strained, our veterans already face delays, overcrowding, and longer traveling distances when seeking care.  I’m proud to stand with both Senators Landrieu and Vitter on this issue. I encourage leaders in the House and Senate to honor the promises our nation has made to the brave veterans of South Louisiana.”

Senator Mary Landrieu stated,“The veterans in South Louisiana have faced continued delays and problems with clinics in Lake Charles and Lafayette by no fault of their own. The latest issue is now with the leases for these clinics. The method of authorizing leases should not stand in the way of our veterans receiving the high-quality health care they deserve after sacrificing to protect our nation. This legislation will authorize these clinics, an important step in our continued work to provide for our veterans. I thank Congressman Boustany for his leadership on this issue and for working with me to introduce this critical legislation for veterans in Louisiana.” 


A recent AP story described problems with the Louisiana clinics. Read it here.