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Boustany Applauds ‘Major Step Forward' Authorizing VA Health Clinics in Lafayette, Lake Charles

(Washington, DC) – Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D., (R-South Louisiana) issued the following statement after Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Representative Jeff Miller (R-FL) announced they reached a deal on VA legislation that was under negotiation in conference committee.

Congressman Boustany received confirmation this morning that authorization for new veterans’ health clinics in Lafayette and Lake Charles will be included in the final bill. Congressman Boustany led the effort to obtain guarantees for these clinics, working with House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) to overcome bureaucratic obstacles, as well as working with House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-FL) to guarantee the clinics’ inclusion in the final bill.

Congressman Boustany helped usher legislation authorizing the clinics in Lafayette and Lake Charles through the House of Representatives last year. He continually called on the Senate to take up a bill, applauding the body’s decision to ‘finally’ act after news broke that there were significant bureaucratic issues within the VA system needing reform.

Boustany authored a letter to the conferees urging them to act quickly and delivered a speech on the House floor last week signaling that he expected the bill to be completed before the August recess. Boustany also authored legislation that will free veterans to seek care from local non-VA providers while these clinics are built.

Boustany said: “The fight for these clinics has not been easy, nor has it gone as smoothly or as quickly as I had hoped, but today’s deal represents a major step forward. We are now closer than ever to breaking ground on these much-needed clinics that will provide the access to quality care that our veterans deserve. I’m proud to work together with Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Miller to ensure South Louisiana veterans receive these facilities that have been promised to them.

“This fight is not over. I’ll continue watching the VA and congressional appropriators like a hawk to make sure these clinics become a reality as soon as possible.”
