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Boustany Committed to Funding Waterway Maintenance Infrastructure

(Washington, DC) – Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D., (R-South Louisiana) issued the following statement after the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013 (WRRDA) was unveiled earlier today by House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Bill Shuster:

“The WRRDA bill highlights the critical role the maritime industry plays throughout this nation, ensuring that America remains competitive in global markets. Louisiana ranked7th in the United States with almost $55 billion of exports sent from its ports and harbors in 2011. One of my main concerns remains the enforcement of measures included in the WRRDA language to allow for funding for the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. With this legislation, Chairman Shuster continues to make strides against the blatant misuse of taxpayer funds from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. I remain committed to making sure money collected for waterway maintenance is allocated for that specific purpose.  Chairman Shuster’s efforts to protect America’s transportation infrastructure should be applauded.

“This legislation creates an efficient process to review and prioritize water resources development activities by implementing deadlines and funding caps while instituting a stronger level of Congressional oversight. This bill strengthens our nation’s water transportation networks, promotes American competitiveness, and encourages economic growth. I look forward to supporting the WRRDA bill and to working with Chairman Shuster to ensure its passage through the House of Representatives.”


The following video was released by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure promoting the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013 (WRRDA)