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Boustany: "Obamacare milestone is no cause for celebration."


(Washington, DC) – Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr., M.D., (R-South Louisiana) issued the following statement ahead of the March 23rd three year anniversary of the President’s health care law: 

“It’s been three years since liberals in Washington forced a midnight vote to pass the national health care law. At the time, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi infamously claimed, ‘We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.’ Unfortunately, House Republicans already knew what was in it: hidden tax increases and bad policies, lots of them. 

“As a retired heart surgeon, I know that for individuals, families, and small businesses struggling to pay for health care, this milestone is no cause for celebration. The health care law contains over a trillion dollars in new taxes.

“Serving as a Member of the House Ways and Means Committee, I have consistently fought these tax increases. Last month, I held a business round table in New Iberia discussing the health insurance tax (HIT). This tax will cost American small businesses over $100 billion. I was successful in repealing the CLASS Act, an unsustainable new entitlement program created by the national health care law. I’m leading the fight to stop the Independent Payment Advisory Board, an Obamacare provision establishing a 15-member board of unelected bureaucrats to make personal health care decisions for doctors and patients.

“As Obamacare turns three, the fact remains, it will remain bad policy no matter how old it gets.”  
