Tag Archives: human capital

GAO Hiring Process

Interested in working or interning at GAO? You can find our current job openings, including internships, here. And to learn more about our hiring process, check out this infographic.

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Celebrating Public Service Recognition Week

Whether federal workers are responding to natural disasters, preventing widespread epidemics, maintaining our national parks, or exploring the vast unknowns of deep space, the American people expect that they will get the job done right. Public Service Recognition Week has … Continue reading

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How Data, Leadership, and Collaboration Can Improve Government Results

Effective performance management helps the federal government to improve outcomes in areas that affect nearly every aspect of Americans’ lives, from education, healthcare, and housing to national and homeland security. To that end, the Office of Management and Budget released … Continue reading

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GAO’s Defense Capabilities and Management Team

Update (6/12/15): This post has been updated to incorporate recent examples of work and impact. GAO’s workforce is organized largely by subject area, with most employees working in 1 of 14 mission teams. Today we’ll be putting the spotlight on … Continue reading

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Marking Telework Week 2014

This winter, snow and ice have brought much of the country to a halt on a number of occasions—including this past Monday in Washington. These storms highlight the opportunity for telework to keep employees working and businesses and governments humming … Continue reading

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