History, Art & Archives of the U.S. House of Representatives

#AskAnArchivist about Records Search

On October 5, House Archivist Robin Reeder unveiled a major new website feature and answered dozens of questions during #AskAnArchivist Day on Twitter.

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#AskACurator about the House Collection

What object in the House Collection is the most challenging to preserve? The answer might surprise you.

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Categories: Announcements, Art

Celebrating 100 Years of Women in Congress

Jeannette Rankin
One hundred years ago, Jeannette Rankin of Montana made history as the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress. This year, we celebrate 100 years of Women in Congress.

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Take a Peek at Our #StaffPix

Staff Pix montage
To celebrate National Photo Month, staff from History, Art & Archives were asked to submit their favorite photos from the House Collection. Here are our #StaffPix—selections from the Archivists, Curators, and Historians.

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Best of the Blog in 2015

As December draws to a close, there’s a tendency to review the efforts of the year. Here’s just a few of our favorites from 2015.

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Categories: Announcements

Did House Records Solve a Mystery? #AskAnArchivist and Find Out

First House Journal
On October 1st, House Archivist Robin Reeder put down her acid-free folders and picked up her keyboard to answer questions on Twitter. During #AskAnArchivist day, readers asked questions big and small. Robin discussed challenges, historic events, rare documents, and a mystery involving Watergate records.

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