

The Architect of the Capitol’s challenge is unique – maintaining aging, iconic buildings; adapting state-of-the-art technology; and increasing responsiveness to environmental, security and safety considerations in a rich historical setting.
The Architect of the Capitol's challenge is unique – maintaining aging, iconic...


Capitol Windows
Repairs to the Capitol's exterior windows will be performed between April 1,...


Exterior of the Russell Senate Office Building.
Status: Ongoing Building: Senate Office Buildings

The Russell Senate Office Building is the oldest of the three Senate Buildings and a wonderful example of the Beaux Arts style of architecture. However, over time, weathering and age have diminished many of the fine details of the facility's exterior stone, allowed water to penetrate into the building, impaired the building's energy efficiency and caused operational and... More »

View of the Supreme Court's north façade.
Status: Ongoing Building: U.S. Supreme Court

This restoration project entails cleaning, repairing and restoring the Vermont marble of the cheek walls on either side of west steps, and the North, South and East Façades of the Supreme Court building. The stone will be cleaned to remove general soil, black gypsum crusts, biological deposits, and copper stains. The mortar and sealants in the joints of the marble will be replaced and the non-functional bird deterrent system will be replaced.

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Scaffold on the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol Building.
Status: Ongoing Building: United States Capitol

A multi-phased project designed to address deferred maintenance, extend the life expectancy of the deteriorated stone and to replace missing elements of the U.S. Capitol Building.

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Bronze lion being restored with Capitol Dome in background.
Status: Ongoing Building: Capitol Grounds

The Architect of the Capitol's conservation efforts to restore the bronze monuments of the Grant Memorial located in Union Square began in 2015. Work includes cleaning, waxing, repairing and conserving the existing bronze, and providing new bronze castings of missing... More »

View of the Capitol Power Plant from House parks.
Status: Planned Building: Capitol Power Plant

At the Capitol Power Plant we are planning for the future. Through rigorous analysis of various energy technologies and broad consultation with leading experts, we have explored options for achieving future energy savings, reducing environmental impacts and maintaining a reliable source of chilled water and steam for the 23 facilities on Capitol Hill we serve, including the U.S. Capitol, the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States. We have identified cogeneration as the preferred solution for our energy future.

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Photo of sidewalk on Capitol Campus.
Status: Completed Building: Capitol Campus

The Architect of the Capitol continues to improve the accessible pathway for the Capitol campus.

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Status: Completed Building:

Preparations are underway, near 2nd St and Washington Ave SW, for the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial (www.avdlm.org). Memorial construction in and around the footprint of the site (from the southwest of Washington Avenue and northeast of 2nd Street SW) will continue through the fall of 2014. Minor street and lane closures will occur as construction work continues. Pedestrians traveling between the Rayburn and Ford House Office Buildings should use the route below. This route will remain in place for the... More »

East Front Plaza Repairs
Status: Completed Building: United States Capitol

AOC is making repairs to expansion joints on the East Front Plaza of the Capitol near the plaza entrance at First St. and East Capitol. The work is expected to be complete by July 2014.

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The Capitol at night.
Status: Completed Building: United States Capitol

On Friday evening, August 22, 2014, the Architect of the Capitol is performing planned maintenance to electrical systems in the Capitol Building. During this work, brief outages of the lights on the Capitol Dome may occur. This work is not related to the Capitol Dome Restoration Project.

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Capitol Windows
Status: Completed Building: United States Capitol

Repairs to the exterior side of the Capitol Building windows located on the House side will be performed between September 2, 2014 through mid-November 2014. The repairs are focused on the exterior side of the windows and some minor work on the interior side will take place during non-operational hours to avoid disruptions to the space occupants. A scaffold system will be used to reach each window and perform the repairs. Once the repairs to a block of windows have been completed, the scaffold towers will be relocated to the next set of windows requiring a similar access to complete the... More »


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