Tag Archives: health care

Mental Health Care in the Military

As servicemembers put their mental and physical health on the line to protect the country, it makes sense to provide care for their minds as well as their bodies. However, that task may be easier said than done. Does DOD … Continue reading

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Women’s Health and Clinical Trials

Biological differences between women and men sometimes lead drugs, diseases, and treatments to affect them differently. Women make up over half the U.S. population; so why don’t we know more about how they respond to medical treatments? Today’s WatchBlog explores … Continue reading

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Podcast on Medicaid Payments to Health Care Providers

Under Medicaid, states pay health care providers and receive federal matching funds for their payments. We have previously found that some states’ excessive Medicaid payments to certain provider institutions shifted costs inappropriately from states to the federal government.

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Podcast on Federal Efforts to Reduce Antipsychotic Drug Use

Antipsychotic drugs are sometimes used to treat the behavioral symptoms of dementia in older adults. The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning against giving these drugs for this condition, citing an increased risk of death. Listen to our … Continue reading

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National Consumer Protection Week: A Look at Health Care Cost and Quality Information

Whether you’re in the market for a new car or a smartphone service provider, you can find websites with reviews, price comparisons, and other information for the savvy shopper. But what if you need a new hip, and you want … Continue reading

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Podcast on Federal Efforts Related to Serious Mental Illness

The U.S. health care system has a range of federal programs for the millions of Americans with mental illness. Hear our podcast with Linda Kohn, a director in GAO’s Health Care team, who led a recent review on federal efforts … Continue reading

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Funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Since 1997, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has provided health care coverage for more than 8 million children in low-income families that don’t have health insurance, but make too much money to qualify for Medicaid. This year, Congress … Continue reading

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Podcast on Health Care Price Transparency

As consumers pay for a growing proportion of their health care, they have an increased need for information on cost and quality before receiving care, to help them plan and make informed decisions. Transparency tools from the Centers for Medicare … Continue reading

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Responding to Infectious Diseases

Although this is the first time Ebola has been diagnosed in the United States, it’s not the first infectious disease we’ve faced. From flu and SARS, to Lyme disease and West Nile Virus, we have had opportunities to learn from … Continue reading

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Podcast on Timely Access to Outpatient Specialty Health Care for Veterans

Delays in VA medical center care have reportedly harmed some veterans. In 2012, VA found that its consult data were not adequate to determine the extent to which veterans received timely outpatient specialty care. Hear our podcast with Debra Draper, … Continue reading

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