Tag Archives: fiscal outlook

Auditing the Government’s Books

Congress and the President need reliable, useful, and timely financial information so they can make difficult budget choices and deal with the nation’s long-term fiscal challenges. Each year, we audit the governmentwide financial statements to help make sure good information … Continue reading

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State and Local Fiscal Futures (podcast)

Across the country, state and local governments are facing uncertain fiscal futures. So, for almost a decade, we’ve run simulations of state and local governments’ finances to see what the future holds. Explore our most recent update to our state … Continue reading

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GAO’s Strategic Issues Team

GAO’s workforce is organized largely by subject area, with most employees working in 1 of 14 mission teams. Today, we’ll spotlight the Strategic Issues (SI) team, which focuses on helping Congress and federal agencies address the governance and management challenges … Continue reading

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Projecting the Future of Federal Finances: Long-Term Fiscal Simulations

Since 1992, we have prepared long-term fiscal simulations to show federal deficits and debt under different sets of policy assumptions. Our latest update shows that the federal government continues to face a long-term fiscal sustainability challenge.

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Fiscal Exposures: 5 Sources of Risk that Drive Future Spending

In tandem with today’s release of our audit of the federal government’s fiscal year 2014 consolidated financial statements, we want to highlight our work on fiscal exposures. This is a term that describes services or expenditures that Americans may expect, … Continue reading

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Podcast on GAO’s State and Local Fiscal Outlook Model Update

State and local governments nationwide face long-term fiscal sustainability challenges. Since 2007, GAO has published simulations of fiscal trends in the state and local government sectors. Explore the state and local fiscal outlook model, and hear our podcast with Michelle Sager, … Continue reading

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Navigating the Complexities of the Federal Budget

The President and Congress use the federal budget process to help allocate federal funds among competing demands. The 2015 President’s Budget (which will be released on March 4th), is the President’s principal policy statement; the administration’s plan for funding the … Continue reading

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