Tag Archives: Department of Justice

Criminal Justice—Exploring Alternatives to Prison

The federal prison population has grown from about 25,000 in 1980 to approximately 193,000 in August 2016. This expansion comes with substantial associated costs: housing, food, security, and medical care for each prisoner can cost $66 to $101 per day, … Continue reading

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FBI Face Recognition Technology

In movies and television shows, law enforcement agencies use automated face recognition to find suspects and solve crimes. Does it work that way in real life? Not quite—as Diana Maurer, a director in our Homeland Security and Justice team, explains … Continue reading

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Human Trafficking in the United States

Human trafficking— using force, fraud or coercion to exploit a person for the purposes of commercial sex or to work against their will—happens in the United States. But it’s not always easy to recognize the victims or understand the scope … Continue reading

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Medical Examiners for Sexual Assault Cases (podcast)

Forensic medical examiners are among the first people that victims of sexual assault should see. These examiners can assess and treat a victim’s medical needs and collect evidence that could be used in legal proceedings. Studies have shown that more … Continue reading

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Tracking Criminals with GPS

What are satellites tracking? They’re probably just helping you find the closest coffee shop, track your latest workout, or arrive safely on your next flight. But for people under house arrest, on probation, or out on parole, GPS is increasingly … Continue reading

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Getting in the Weeds with Marijuana Legalization

In 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first states to pass ballot initiatives legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes under state law. The initiatives allowed for personal possession of up to an ounce of marijuana for those at least 21 years … Continue reading

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The Ins and Outs of Being Behind Bars

It doesn’t matter if orange is the new black right now—prisons will remain great fodder for television and film. Yet, what you see on the screen doesn’t always match reality. To help sort fact from fiction, today’s WatchBlog shares some … Continue reading

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What Happens to FBI Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints?

Whistleblowers play a key role in saving taxpayer money and reducing fraud, waste, and abuse in the federal government. But what happens when one faces retaliation for blowing the whistle? Today’s WatchBlog explores what we found happens to whistleblowers at … Continue reading

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School Bullying and Legal Protections for Vulnerable Groups

Millions of American children and teens have been physically, verbally, relationally, or electronically bullied by their peers. Bullying can have harmful psychological, academic, and behavioral outcomes for victims. Because October is National Bullying Prevention Month, we wanted to highlight our … Continue reading

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Watching Out for Federal Cybersecurity

The federal government relies on computer networks and systems to provide essential services affecting the health, economy, and defense of the nation. Incidents of hacking or cyber attacks place sensitive information at risk, with potentially serious effects on federal and … Continue reading

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